1997 Joe Jackson Related News

The September, 1997 issue of Beckett Vintage Sports has an article (page 6) about Long Gone Collectibles' Shoeless Joe Jackson model baseball bat. The bat is a reproduction of Joe's famous black bat "Black Betsy". For more information about the bat see our Shoeless Joe Jackson baseball bat advertisement.

The August, 1997 issue of Beckett Vintage Sports featured the Virtual Hall of Fame web site as their Vintage Surf Site of the month.

Columbia, South Carolina --- Shoeless Joe Jackson's last will and testament can rest in peace in Greenville County Probate Court's vault. The state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday September 2, 1997 that Jackson's widow's heirs cannot have the document for its rare and valuable Jackson signature. The signature has become valuable to collectors, who might pay as much as $100,000 for the document were it not an official document in Greenville County archives. Greenville lawyer Leo Hill, who as a youngster knew Jackson in the Brandon Mill neighborhood, sought to have the document declared the property of Jackson's widow, Katie, who left all her possessions to the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society when she died in 1959. Hill maintained that the will should be turned over to the charities so they could auction it to collectors and use the money for research. But state officials saw Hill's bid as a threat to the principle that public records should be available for all to examine. Hill, who wrote Katie Jackson's will and represented the charities at his own expense, said he was disappointed. "With all our modern technology, all that information could be preserved in any number of ways. In today's modern commerce, few people see the original copies of the faxed documents they deal with," Hill said. He might take the issue to the federal appeals court on the constitutional principle of the state's taking Katie Jackson's property without compensating her heirs, but he said he would talk with the charities first. Carolyn Weatherall, a receptionist at the county records office, said many people came to see the document when controversy surfaced over the will. The curious are given a photocopy of the document, which is kept locked in the probate court vault, she said.


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