Joe Jackson Photos - Later In Life 1937 - 1951

Joe Jackson, 1946 This photo of Joe taken in 1946 comes to us courtesy of RMY Auctions.

Joe swings Black Betsy Joe swings black betsy in his side yard, summer of 1949. Back Of Photo

Close up of Joe around 1950 Close up of Joe taken around 1950. Photo courtesy of FC Associates.

Joe with "Longest Throw" trophy Joe poses with the trophy he was given for throwing a baseball 396 feet 8 and a half inches at Tim Murnane Day in September of 1917. Photo taken in the summer of 1949 and courtesy of Henry Yee Auctions & Archives. It is inscribed as follows "Won By Joe Jackson of the White Sox, the Worlds Greatest Slugger, for heaving a baseball farther than any of the stars at the Tim Murnane benefit exhibition game in Boston between the All-Stars and Boston". It has the distance of the top three players engraved as follows "Jackson 396 ft, 8 in., Lewis 384 ft., 6 in., Walker 384 ft. ".

Long Throw Presentation Card The presentation card Joe received for throwing the ball the furthest during Tim Murnane Benefit pre-game contests.

Joe giving ice cream to neighborhood kids Joe giving ice cream to neighborhood kids at Bolts Drugs Store in West Greenville. Photo taken in the summer of 1949 and courtesy of Henry Yee Auctions & Archives.

Joe sitting in front of his house Nice shot of Joe's house as it looked in the summer of 1949. Back Of Photo

Joe polishing his car Joe polishing his car in his back yard, summer of 1949. Back Of Photo

Joe playing with his dog Joe playing with his dog in his front yard, summer of 1949. Back Of Photo

Joe at the gas station Joe talking baseball with gas station attendant Joe Worthy while his car is being filled with gas at Garrett's Esso station on Anderson Road, Greenville, SC, summer of 1949. Back Of Photo

Joe buying groceries Joe buying groceries at Christian's Grocery Store, 1900 Anderson Road, Greenville, SC, summer of 1949. The clerk in this photo is Fred "Skinny" Powers and excellent athlete in his own right (basketball and baseball, lettered in both all four years at Wofford College), we do suspect that these two talked a great deal of sports as Joe shopped for groceries. Back Of Photo

Joe talking to Furman Bisher Joe talking to sportswriter, Furman Bisher, summer of 1949. Back Of Photo

Joe sitting at Meadowbrook Park Joe visiting with James Gaston at Meadowbrook Park, Greenville, SC, summer of 1949. Back Of Photo

Joe and Katie at a Braves game Joe and Katie at a Brandon Braves game. Photo courtesy of FC Associates.

Joe with unidentified girl Joe with unidentified girl close to his liquor store on Pendleton Street. Photo courtesy of FC Associates.

Joe standing in front of his house Joe and unidentified man in front of Joe's house. Photo courtesy of FC Associates.

Joe with one of his cars This photo shows Joe standing beside one of his cars on Pendleton Street in West Greenville. To the best of our knowledge, the car is a 1940 Packard, one of Joe's favorites.

Front window of Joe's liquor store This photo shows the front window of Joe's liquor store on Pendleton Street in West Greenville.

Telegram from Indians to Joe in 1951 This is the telegram sent to Joe by the Cleveland Indians letting Joe know that he was selected to the Cleveland All-Time All-Star team. The telegram is inviting him to participate in the activities before a Cleveland Indians game to be held on Sunday September 2, 1951. Telegram dated 11:09 AM, Sunday August 26, 1951 (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Joe standing in front of his home This photo shows Joe standing in the yard in front of his house (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Joe with friends in front of his liquor store This photo shows Joe standing in front of his liquor store with friend. Photo taken in the 1940's (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Joe, Katie and their dog Beauty This photo was taken in Savannah, GA and shows Joe, Katie and their dog Beauty. Joe said Beauty was the ugliest dog you ever saw...and from this photo....we tend to agree!! (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Joe, his mother Martha and one of his brothers This photo shows Joe with his mother Martha and we believe Joe's brother Jerry (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Joe in his liquor store This photo shows Joe in his liquor store, photo taken around 1950 (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Joe with his niece and nephew Jerry, Katie and Joe Jackson with their niece and nephew Patty and Tommy Ellis. Photo taken in front of Joe's liquor store (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Joe and his nephew Sinclair Ellis This photo shows Joe with his nephew Sinclair Ellis, photo taken in Savannah, GA (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Katie Jackson and Beauty This photo shows Katie sitting on some rocks with their family dog, Beauty (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Katie in front of a building This photo shows Katie Jackson, very much in style standing in front of a building, date of photo unknown (photo courtesy of the Maggi Hall Collection).

Joe in front of his house This photo shows Joe standing in the yard in front of his house around 1942.

Joe in front of his house - 2 This is another photo of Joe standing in the yard in front of his house around 1942.

Katie sitting on steps This photo shows Joe's wife Katie sitting on the steps of their home on Wilburn Street in Greenville, SC around 1942

Joe Jackson, 1951 This photo was taken in June of 1951 at Joe's Liquor Store in West Greenville, SC. Joe is holding Kathy Ferrell, the granddaughter of Henry "Dutch" Konneman, Konneman pitched for Joe's 1925 Waycross, GA team and stayed pretty close to Joe after that season. You can tell by Joe's appearance in this photo that his health is fading fast...but he did love children...and that's pretty obvious as well. Photo courtesy of the Jack Connell Collection and used with the permission of Kathy Ferrell Edwards.

Joe giving ice cream to kids This photo shows Joe giving ice cream to neigborhood kids in the 1940's.

Joe standing behind the counter This photo was taken around 1942 and shows Joe standing behind the counter at his liquor store in West Greenville.

Joe at home This photo was also taken around 1942 and shows Joe sitting on the steps of his East Wilburn Street home in West Greenville.

A portrait style photo This photo is from a Jackson family member and is not in the best of shape..... It shows Joe in a portrait style photo probably taken in the late 1930's or early 1940's.

Joe in his liquor store This picture shows Joe serving a customer in his liquor store around 1937.......when this picture was taken, Joe was also managing a successful semipro team.

Joe Jackson night, 1940's This picture was taken on Joe Jackson night held in the 1940's by the people of Brandon Mill. They came together prior to a mill league game to honor their greatest star. The gentleman holding the radio is Carter "Scoop" Latimer, the guy that gave Joe the nickname "Shoeless".

Joe Jackson night, 1940's - Number 2 This picture was taken on Joe Jackson night held in the 1940's by the people of Brandon Mill. They came together prior to a mill league game to honor their greatest star. The gentleman holding the radio is Carter "Scoop" Latimer, the guy that gave Joe the nickname "Shoeless". This photo courtesy of FC Associates.

Joe with his buddies You can bet there is some baseball being talked among this group of taken at Hunt's Shell Station in West Greenville in the early 1940's. Left to right L.W. "Scoop" Kelly, "Boogie" Greer, Joe, and Aleck "Mutt" Rollins.

Joe teaches'em how to play Joe around 1944 teaching kids in West Greenville how to play the game of baseball. Joe could always be seen playing ball with the mill kids in West Greenville. Joe would usually pitch for both teams and would usually play until Katie came to get him for dinner.

Joe sitting in front of his liquor store This picture was taken in front of Joe's liquor store during the 1940's.

Joe standing in front of his liquor store This picture of Joe was taken in front of his liquor store on Pendleton Street in Greenville.

Joe 1941 This photo of Joe was taken around 1941 in the kitchen of Joe's West Greenville home and shows Joe getting ready to cook some eggs.

Katie Wynn Jackson This picture is of Joe's wife Katie behind the counter at the liquor store in Greenville, SC sometime in the late 30's or early 40's.

Joe in his liquor store This picture of Joe was taken in his liquor store on Pendleton Street in Greenville years after his banishment for organized baseball.

Joe in Savannah, GA 1932 This picture of Joe was taken in Savannah, Georgia May 7, 1932 and was run in most major newspapers of the day with the copy "What would he do with this bat today?". The article that followed the picture went on to say "All this talk about the 'Lively Ball' of Major League Baseball has a special interest for this reminiscent owner of a modest pressing shop near the Savannah River. He is Joe Jackson, shining diamond star of a little over a decade ago, who still cherishes the bat which was presented to him twenty-four years ago by an admirer in South Carolina. Jackson quietly withdrew from the Major League Baseball picture in 1920." The article goes on to say "He likes to think what he might have done with his bat in the old days if the Major Leagues had then used the lively ball."

Joe circa 1935 This picture of Joe was taken in 1935 while Joe was visiting Tampa, Florida.

Joe talks with Brandon ballplayer This picture was taken in Greenville at the Brandon Mill ball field and shows Joe talking to Brandon Mill ball player Fred Byrd.

Joe shows them how he did it This picture is from the 1940's and shows Joe holding a bat, as if to say "This is how I used to hit my Blue Darters...".

Joe in his favorite spot In the late South Carolina afternoons, this is where one would have found an elderly Joe Jackson......sitting in his favorite chair in the front yard of his West Greenville home.

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